Thursday, April 21, 2011

Obama Approves The Use of Unmanned Aircraft in Libya

Bayangkan waktu berikutnya Anda bergabung dengan diskusi tentang
. Ketika Anda mulai berbagi fakta
menarik di bawah ini, teman-teman Anda akan benar-benar takjub. - America turned up the heat on Colonel Gaddafi by approving the use of killer Predator drones in Libya. The first U.S. drone attack on pro-government forces was aborted last night because of bad weather.

But U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates confirmed that President Barack Obama has given military chiefs the go ahead to launch the state-of-the-art unmanned aircraft that have been so effective in Iraq and against Taliban militants along Afghanistans border with Pakistan.

Although Mr Obama has maintained the coalition campaign against Libya was not specifically targetting Colonel Gaddafi, the drones could be used in a pinpoint attack on the Libyan leader or his sons.

Deployment of the Predators is meant to send a message to critics who have complained that the Obama administration is not pulling its weight in Libya to help the embattled rebels.

At the same time, the president can sell the move to a sceptical public by insisting that no American lives are being put at risk.

˜It is a more politically acceptable escalation that allows an arms length show of force, said one senior Pentagon official.

Sepertinya informasi baru ditemukan tentang sesuatu setiap hari. Dan topik
tidak terkecuali. Jauhkan membaca untuk mendapatkan berita lebih segar tentang

Mr Gates told a Pentagon news conference that the U.S. Air Force drone is an example of the military capabilities the president is willing to contribute to help combat Gaddafi.

Marine General James Cartwright confirmed yesterdays Predator mission was scrapped.

He said the weapon allows low-level precision attacks on enemy forces. Experts claim the drones could be a game changer because they could allow strikes against Gaddafi troops ensconced in heavily built-up areas.

The Predator is armed with two Hellfire missiles, has a range of 3,200 km and can stay in the air for as long as 24 hours.

Gaddafi has made little use of his aircraft since the international no-fly zone was enforced, meaning the effectiveness of the allied air mission was limited.

The drones allow commanders to target the tanks and other artillery the government forces have been using to push back against the rebels.

The Predators are flown remotely, usually from the Creech Air Force base just outside Las Vegas.

The US action came as rebel troops claimed the capture of the Wazin border crossing with Tunisia following fighting outside the desert town of Nalut, about 140 miles southwest of Tripoli.

Nah, itu tidak sulit sama sekali, bukan? Dan kau telah menerima banyak pengetahuan, hanya dari mengambil beberapa waktu untuk penelitian kata seorang pakar di

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