Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Swiss Products Boom in Indonesia despite CHF Strength

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JAKARTA, - œSwiss premium yoghurt,œ reads the label on the side of a pot in a Jakarta hotel breakfast room, a sign of the advance of Swiss luxury products into South-East Asia.

In the high-end malls here there are shops chock-full of Patek Philippe and other high-end watches. Travel around the malls, and chances are the escalators were built by Swiss company Schindler Holding AG.

All are a sign of rising Swiss exports to the region, which show no sign of slowing despite the strength of the Swiss franc. A commodities boom in Indonesia is boosting the local economy, which grew 6.5% in the first quarter of 2011.

As a result, many Indonesians are splashing their cash on Swiss products. Swiss exports to Indonesia rose 20% last year to 440 million Swiss francs, said the Swiss ambassador, Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn. Around 70 Swiss companies are active in Indonesia, representing the full spectrum of the Swiss export industry.

Pharmaceutical companies such as Roche Holding and Novartis AG are present, along with financial services like Zurich Financial AG and Swiss Re AG as well as banking giants UBS AG and Credit Suisse Group.

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dari Anda mungkin memiliki pikiran pertama.

Nestle SA, the world's biggest food company, is increasingly targeting Indonesia where it increased sales 20% last year to CHF1.1 billion. The food giant's strategy is a bit different, though, focusing on its more affordable products that are budget versions of its brands, ideal for a country where the gross domestic product per head is just below $3,000.

œWe are selling a lot of investment goods, which may not be as visible as watches or other industries, but precision machinery and textile machines are also selling well here,œ said Walker-Nederkoorn.

œThe investments being made by companies here are very important,œ he added, with Swiss companies looking to long-term development in Indonesia like the CHF500 million spent by Holcim Ltd. on a cement plant in the country.

Companies aren't just investing in high-growth giants India and China. The European Free Trade Association is negotiating a trade agreement with Indonesia with the aim of removing some of the tariffs that are barriers to trade.

In addition to Switzerland, the ETFA's members are Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Another draw is the massive Indonesian population, the fourth largest in the world.

Right now, from a population of 238 million, around 30 million to 40 million people are considered middle class, which makes them more able to afford European products. This figure is growing by 5 million to 6 million every year, said Walker-Nederkoorn.

An unexpected development has been an increase in the number of Indonesians visiting Switzerland as tourists. Not for the skiing, the ambassador said. Maybe it's for the yoghurt.

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