Sunday, March 6, 2011

Visitors to Borobudur Temple Not Deterred by Whirlwind

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MAGELANG, - A whirlwind that hit Borobudur Temple in Magelang district, Central Java, on Saturday, did not discourage foreign and local tourists.

"The whirlwind has not stopped the activities of local residents and foreign tourists here," Head of Borobudur Temples tourism division Pujo Suwarno said here Sunday.

The whirlwind struck the area following heavy rainfall. There were no fatalities in the disaster though several thousands of visitors were visiting the temple on Saturday, he said.

The number of visitors was high enough in the aftermath of Mount Merapis cold lava floods that had repeatedly paralyzed roads between Yogyakarta and Magelang, he said. Despite the absence of human casualties, the whirlwind damaged a number of advertisement boards and a shops roof.

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Over the past year, various parts of Indonesia have been hit byextremely bad weather, coupled withheavy rains and whirlwinds. On December 29, 2010, a whirlwind also hit Kancilan village, Kembang subdistrict, Jepara district, Central Java, causing damage to 49 houses and six stores.

The whirlwind also damaged a school building and a church, but there were no reports onfatalities, Head of the Kembang social welfare agency Nuri Wahyudi, said. On December 24, 2010, a whirlwind also struck Karangaji village in Kembang subdistrict, damaging 90 houses and a school building.

On December 26, 2010, a whirlwind hit Srobyong and Karanggandong villages in Kembang subdistrict. A total of 114 houses in the two villages were badly damaged.

Then on January 16, a whirlwind destroyed two houses and damaged 18 others in Cinta Puri village, Simpang Empat subdistrict, Banjar district, South Kalimantan.

On January 23, a whirlwind also damaged five houses and toppled tens of trees in Menthuk village, Mojosongo subdistrict, Boyolali district, Central Java. On February 19, a whirlwind also hit three villages in Trenggalek and Pacitan districts, East Java, damaging tens of houses and toppling a number of trees.

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